Father's Day Round-Up: Celebrities Endure Unearned Praise, Humiliation For The Sake of The Children

Ah, Father's Day. A day when all of us, rich and poor, famous and anonymous, get together with our families and try to keep our long simmering resentments from boiling over. Kevin Federline celebrated the holiday like so many others, in a kid-free Las Vegas nightclub. Naturally,Federline nabbed a Father of the Year Award at club Prive. In an item that is layered with "WTF?" Us Magazine magazine attempts to explain the inexplicable.
Federline had a quiet night at the club, chilling with friends and pumping his fist into the air when Timbaland's "The Way I Are" was played by the DJ. Prive presented Federline his Father of the Year trophy "someplace quiet" at the dad-of-four's request, so clubgoers didn't see the ceremony, according to a source.
We are left to imagine what the ceremony entailed (Ritual sacrifice of a goat? A cleansing body wash with a soap-on-a-rope?), and why Prive gives out a father-of-the-year award. It seems clear by the winner, however, that the selection criterion was based on quantity of fathering, not quality.
Meanwhile, geriatric adventurer Harrison Ford showed the tolerance of a grandfather, as he wore a T-shirt designed by his fiancee Calista Flockhart's adopted Uggs-wearing son, Liam, out in public. The Daily Mail has photos of Ford pretending to enjoy wearing the hand-drawn shirt with a giant smiley face on it. But a Zaprudering of the photo reveals that the man's tolerance only goes so far. Note the address of the restaurant: 9531 Culver. That's right, he spent Father's Day in Culver City, undoubtedly hoping to minimize the chances that he'd be photographed looking so ridiculous. Note also that Flockhart is standing next to a sign that reads, "Big, fat." Clearly little Liam is an evil genius, arranging for his parents to get caught by the paparazzi in the world's most humiliating photo op.
[Photo Credit: Splash, Daily Mail]