• Investors generally reacted positively yesterday to the news of the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bailout. [WSJ]
  • Andrew Ross Sorkin takes a closer look at what motivated Hank Paulson to seize Frannie Mae and Freddie Mac when he did. [NYT]
  • Lehman's discussions with potential buyers of its Neuberger Berman asset management unit continue. [Dealbook]
  • Hedge funds are hunkering down, in case you hadn't already heard the news. They're also cutting fees to keep investors happy. [NYP, WSJ]
  • Huntsman's legal brawl with Leon Black's Apollo and the "messy aftermath of the private-equity buyout boom." [WSJ]
  • Both Tribune and Google are taking heat over the re-release of an old story yesterday, which caused United's stock to plummet yesterday. [LAT]
  • WaMu's new CEO talks about the challenges ahead. [WSJ]
  • Atticus, the hedge fund overseen by Tim Barakett, isn't talking about the reports his funds were battered in August. [NYP]
  • The Justice Department has hired Sanford Litvack for a possible antitrust challenge to Google. [WSJ]
  • Michael Dell picked up $100 million of stock in the computer company after Dell's stock drop following disappointing earnings. [Dealbook]