Our newest person of interest is Iminlikewithyou's Charles "Chuck" Forman, who was recently featured in a techboy photo spread in Esquire and has been dating New York dating columnist and Star talking head Julia Allison for the past three months. Scratch that—he's a shameless self-promoter! SURPRISE. He also chills with Kevin Rose of Digg and hangs out at the Founders Club with headphones on. (And Julia Allison can't quite bring herself to call him her boyfriend yet—she recently blogged that "l may be a late blooming female commitment-phobe.")

His web video-game site is called Iminlikewithyou, and as Valleywag reported, he's building a "Tetris-like game."

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we hear that Julia has been telling people that the hard drive that she recently lost contained a sex tape NO! SHE WAS JUST JOKING!

In her defense, she's been much more discreet with the not-boyfriend relationship with Forman.

Related: Journalists Stuck on a Plane

[Photo: Nick McGlynn for Random Night Out]