Kongregate's Jim Greer, on how to get a girl-crazy VC to commit

In this morning's otherwise sleepy session the "brave new world" of entrepreneurship at Supernova, Vipin Jain of Retrevo offered the analogy first — that for startups, attracting venture capital is like dating. "When you first start there’s some excitement. Then, the unknown!" Jim Greer, CEO of the epic timewasting Flash-game site Kongregate jumped in:
And in that scenario, you're the woman. Wait! I know that sounds sexist, but ... you're being pursued. You're the one looking for commitment.
So far Kongregate has collected $9 million, in a combination of venture, angel, and "super angel" funds. Was Greer's not putting out for just anyone what attracted hard-to-get Jeff Bezos, then? (Photo by Joi Ito)