Tumblr's David Karp and Iminlikewithyou's Charles Forman are just really friendly, OK? When Rachel Sklar let it drop on Radar yesterday that Karp is now dating CNET's Caroline McCarthy, people started saying, "Wait? Thought he was gay?" Nope! And of course you already know that fameball-in-training Forman is dating ex-Star talking head Julia Allison. He's not gay either, to the surprise of some people in the media orbit. What about these pictures, then...? A combination of freedom of expression, metrosexuality, and fameballing? (Click for our "despite what it may look like in these many photos, David Karp and Charles Forman are Not Gay—the Photo Gallery!")

E-mail from Karp's Tumblr. And don't even get us started on Forman's business card.