• Lehman CEO Dick Fuld's announcement yesterday about the firm's new strategic direction hasn't changed much, say analysts, and questions about Lehman's ability to weather the storm continue to loom. [NYT, WSJ, FT, NYP]
  • How Fuld himself has handled the crisis—and whether he'll continue to run the firm for much longer—is open to debate. "I feel like I'm playing whack-a-mole every day," says Fuld. [WSJ, NYT]
  • WaMu's shares fell 30% yesterday as skittish investors expressed concern over the bank's new management team. [WSJ]
  • Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim Helu has taken a 6% stake in the New York Times Co. [Dealbook]
  • Accel-KKR, the joint venture between the venture capital firm and the Henry Kravis-led buyout shop, said that it has raised $600 million for its third private equity fund. [Dealbook]
  • Zabeel Investments, a Dubai-based fund, may raise its offer for Morgans Hotel Group, the hotel chain founded by Ian Schrager. [Times Online]
  • Carl Icahn says that drug maker ImClone, which rejected a $60 per share offer from Bristol Myers-Squibb yesterday, is now in discussions with another "large pharmaceutical company." [NYP]