Taking 25% of the vote, Matthew Hilliard beat out nine other fabulous contestant to become Gawker's newest Hottest Man in Book Publishing! He's a Binghamton '06 grad and works in trade sales at Penguin. Update: Ladies, we hear he's single! Now, we've heard from a few sources that some of the gentleman in the contest were a little embarrassed, given that we're objectifying them and all. An addendum: they are also all quite smart. After the jump: Matthew's endearingly self-deprecating acknowledgment of the honor:

"It's an honor and a fulfillment of all my lifelong dreams. To be considered only for my looks; I'd like to thank my Mom and Dad for the excellent genes and the lovely ladies of Penguin for recognizing my hotness."

Matt gracefully declined our offer of a <a href="

https://www.gawkerarchives.com/news/pinup-gallery/gawker-pinup-gallery-gabriel-delahaye-223277.php">pin-up photo shoot with our photog Nikola. Perhaps it was something I said:

I wanted to talk you into doing a really fun photoshoot... You wouldn't have to take your shirt off or anything (unless you wanted to.)

Anyway, congratulations!