Would You Trust Your DNA to These People?

Would you let your DNA end up on a database controlled by Anne Wojcicki, the wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin, who has financial backing from Rupert Murdoch's wife Wendi Deng and Harvey Weinstein? The glam crowd at a Fashion Week "spit party" thrown by 23andme.com—which offers testing to reveal ancestry, genetic traits and propensity to diseases—had no qualms, perhaps confident of their genetic superiority: Ivanka Trump, for instance, was delighted to discover she didn't have fat genes (unlike one of her less fortunate friends).
The bash, hosted by Weinstein, Murdoch and Barry Diller, was apparently inspired by the Anderson Cooper's talent for rolling his tongue into "a really complicated four-leaf clover" (a genetic trait that presumably confers certain advantages, as if he needed them). All fun and games, yes, and maybe it's just the apocalyptic, economy-imploding mood in the air today, but we really hope the database stays far, far away from a certain Nazi-quoting, anti-gay future Vice President.