♦ The world's major central banks teamed together to flood the markets with dollars as part of an effort to contain the unfolding financial crisis. [WSJ, NYT]
♦ Morgan Stanley has been in talks with Wachovia, Wells Fargo and the Chinese bank Citic; Morgan's CEO, John Mack, blames short sellers and rumors for yesterday's big drop. [NYP, CNBC, Dealbook, WSJ]
♦ Washington Mutual's bankers at Goldman Sachs are "frantically looking for a buyer or a capital infusion in the next several days." [NYP]
♦ Rules introduced by the SEC today will make it harder for traders to drive down prices and will require them to share more info about their trades. [WSJ]

♦ A timeline of how the AIG crisis unfolded the last few days. [NYT]
♦ The Lehman bankruptcy proceedings are moving at a speedy clip. [WSJ]
♦ Hedge funds are laying low. [Dealbook]
♦ Lehman's staff in Asia still doesn't know if they're going to be part of the Barclays deal. [Dealbook]
♦ Britain's Lloyds TSB sealed the deal to take over HBOS. [Reuters, WSJ]
♦ A gloomy overview of what's happened since this time last week. [WSJ]