Federal prosecutors did not snare Raffaello Follieri's charitable foundation yesterday when they had the Italian businessman arrested for fraud and money laundering. The case against Follieri, at present, focuses on his alleged crimes against private, profit-seeking investors and not the Follieri Foundation he chairs, which supposedly vaccinates children in third-world countries. But the Feds' fraud and money-laundering charges against Follieri Group raise questions about the trustworthiness of the foundation to which it is so closely tied — questions made all the more acute by the fact that Follieri Foundation is itself under investigation by New York's attorney general after apparently failing to file U.S. tax disclosure forms. The foundation, [formerly] directed by Annie Longon, pictured at left via her Facebook profile (via same name/university/city as her Follieri-linked LinkedIn profile), is still raising funds, on the off chance you trust Follieri bookkeeping: [UPDATE: Longon wrote in to say she left Follieri companies in early 2007. For whatever reason, the foundation had not yet removed her name from its website at the time of publication.]

Or you can just bypass the foundation and get a special, philanthropic Follieri Capital Visa card!

If you act now, Follieri may still find time to name a girlfriend to the foundation's board of directors, as he did with actress/Follieri ex Anne Hathaway, before he's convicted of anything. WON'T YOU PLEASE MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR SOMEONE IN NEED??

[Follieri Foundation, Follieri Capital]