"Yahoo Is Now Our Bitch"

When Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang first heard that Microsoft was withdrawing its offer to buy the company, he reportedly high-fived his fellow negotiators — co-founder David Filo likely among them. The moment palm struck palm, if frozen in time, perhaps captures Yang at his zenith, a triumphant founding entrepreneur and Valley icon warding off Microsoft invaders from North. One Yahoo employee even celebrated Yang's fight with a spoof on the film 300, subbing Yang in for Leonidas and having him scream "Yahoooo!" instead of "Sparta!" My oh my has Yang's reputation tumbled since. The latest bump: a parody of Coldwell Banker Real Estate commercials featuring Google cofounders Larry Page and Sergey Brin discussing how "Yahoo Is Now Our Bitch," below. The employee who made the 300 parody? He quit.