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You may just be excited to have a job right now. But some people have it really good: The Daily News has a rundown of New Yorkers who get sweet, free apartments as part of their jobs. Included on the list is UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon (five-story townhouse on Sutton Place), Columbia President Lee Bollinger (his Morningside Heights house is worth an estimated $19.8 million), Michael Bloomberg (Gracie Mansion comes with the job although he doesn't actually live there), and a bunch of pageant girls (Miss USA, Teen USA, etc.) Also included: Cardinal Edward Egan (left) lives in a 48,550-square-foot Madison Avenue mansion right behind St. Patrick's. (Yes, you read that number right.) Of course, he's also had to devote his life to God and abstain from sex all these years in order to qualify for the sweet housing arrangement, a trade-off that not too many people would be willing to make.