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What's more important than anything in these uncertain times? Making sure that your kids are given the ruling class advantages of a private school education, even if it means starting up a school yourself! Aimee Bell, who works at Vanity Fair, and Sara Goodman, the great-granddaughter of Bergdorf, are West Village neighbors who, unsatisfied with the choice of high schools available to their daughters, decided—why not?—to start their own with a little help from their friends.

The Greenwich Village High School is backed by New School president Bob Kerrey and his wife Sara Paley, John Leguizamo, Scholastic CEO Richard Robinson, city consumer affairs commissioner Jonathan Mintz, and Graydon Carter, but don't think it'll be only for the spoiled brats of the rich and powerful: An as-yet-undetermined "sliding scale" of fees will "ensure a diverse student body." Just obviously not quite as diverse as the state schools unacceptable for their precious offspring, who will be your bosses in ten years.

Two Neighbors Create a High School for Greenwich Village [NYT]