Carla Bruni Takes Manhattan

So many important people in the city, have you noticed? They're all on hand for the opening session of the UN General Assembly, of course, which is why you can't move three inches in a taxi in less than 10 minutes and why a trip to your local coffee cart requires you to wait as a motorcade of 19 vehicles passes by first. Yesterday Nicolas Sarkozy bounced around from event to event. Of course, no one had the slightest interest in the French president; all eyes were on his wife, Carla Bruni and the outfits that she unveiled almost hourly.
For a jog in the morning (above), France' first lady wore a "skintight sports top that bared her washboard belly." For midday trips to the Guggenheim and Met Museum, Bruni opted for a "low-cut sweater and skirt cut off at the knees." Dinner at Cipriani in Midtown required party attire and Bruni delivered with a "slinky, floor-length, cobalt-blue dress." Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will be the big attraction today at the U.N today. We're pretty sure, though, you won't be hearing about his "washboard belly" in the Post tomorrow.