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In his book on project management, Making Things Happen, O'Reilly author Scott Berkun advises readers to create an environment "where people are comfortable being ambitious, but will admit to and take responsibility for their mistakes." Failing that, one can always take the fifth when a mistake occurs and distract folks with a contest. In announcing the contest, Berkun told readers he couldn't explain why the title of the second edition of his The Art of Project Management mysteriously changed to Making Things Happen earlier this year.

The switch caused some confusion, and Berkun admits it was "a huge pain in the ass. But it did occur after Berkun and publisher O'Reilly were slapped with a $1,000,000 lawsuit claim for allegedly making the mistake of failing to do their trademark homework. Looks like having your publisher whine about people's shocking ignorance of the existence of trademarks can bring on bad karma.