Who Had Secret Drug-Filled Helicopter Rendezvous?
Drugs. It's always drugs. Whether you're doing them in front of record executives or having them flown into the desert via helicopter so you can get your sweet sweet fix while pretending to stay clean at rehab, drugs are where it is at. Also where it is at is getting ladies to perform the hurdy gurdy on you in a car and then kickin' 'em to the curb. Read about all of this after the bump. I mean jump.
1) "Which annoying singer is so into his Colombian marching powder, he's known as The Hoover by fed-up record label bosses?" [Mirror]
2) "Classic Hollywood... Our guy... was in rehab several times. One of his attempts at rehab took place out at Betty Ford. Prior to going to rehab he made arrangements for a helicopter to meet him in the desert with drugs. He would then use his exercise time to walk out into the desert, meet the helicopter and do his drugs. He would repeat this each day." [CDaN]
3) "What NBA all-star had a really wonderful way with women even back in high school. I remember high school. Lots of innocence. Not so for our NBA star. Favorite activity? Well he would find some girl and sweet talk her until she wanted him. I mean this guy was already huge, and extremely popular. Our NBA player would take the lucky girl out to his car in the parking lot and force her to perform oral sex. Then, when he had finished in his porn star way if you know what I mean, he would literally force them out of the car just like that. Such a way with women." [CDaN]