Mondays after a holiday weekend are the best, aren't they? You're finally back at work with all that responsibility and waking up early and sitting still for hours and stuff. Just great. In case you're a crazy person and don't agree with me, there are some blind items about athletes and bitchy celebrities and TV shows to keep you entertained while you sludge through the misery. Oh, and (gasp!) the answers to some blind items are revealed.

1) "Which professional athlete who's well known for playing the field with famous ladies is comforting the estranged wife of a fellow athlete as the couple goes through a divorce? The comforting was recently ratcheted up to a full-blown affair, despite the fact that he is very involved with an A-list starlet. Thankfully, the ladies live in separate states." [NYDN] (It's not A-Rod)

2) "Which celeb insists on having his flunkies dust down his hotel suite with a white glove before he enters? But after a couple of drinks the sweaty star has no idea where he is anyway." [Mirror]

3) "Reliable sources close to a sorta-hit series that I adore tell me that the show's writers have concocted a humdinger of a curveball for the upcoming season that is so twisty it will take the program in a completely new direction - and an inspired (not to mention timely) direction, at that! Here's a hint to get those wheels a turnin': The twist in question is a little gay. No, make that a lot gay." [EW]

4) Holy cow! Crazy Days and Nights has started revealing the identities of their old blind items!