CNET perpetuating antiquated and incorrect blogging syntax

In recent articles by CNET's Greg Sandoval and Martin LaMonica, the reporters referred to "wrote in a recent blog" and "posted a blog." Which suggests some editor at CNET is imparting a house style. And it's wrong. I'm tired enough of the word "blog" as it is, and in our crazy, mixed-up world of new media neologisms, but when I update a blog, it's with a "post" or "entry." Blog is short for "Web log," and refers to the collection of posts, entries and comments over time — yes, the hoary Chicago Manual of Style has set up rules for citing blogs, as has the AP.
To be more factually correct, Tim O'Reilly's entry referred to in LaMonica's article was a press release, and Declan McCullagh's was an article or report with some opinion and analysis thrown in. Old people used to call the likes of O'Reilly and McCullagh "businessmen" and "journalists," respectively, but CNET seems to prefer lumping them together by what content management system they use to publish updates to websites.