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Jerry Levin will go down in history as the man who presided over one of the most misguided mergers in history, the combination of Time Warner and AOL in 2000. Levin left the company in 2002 and later settled in California with his second wife, Laurie Ann, the founder of Moonview Sanctuary, a center that specializes in treating people with trauma, addiction and chronic pain. The former Time Warner chief eventually joined the center's faculty and helped Moonview branch out with courses designed to help executives improve their "focus and performance." Well, it seems Levin is branching out again. And just in time!

Moonview is now offering an "executive resilience" course to help moguls "deal with burnout and stress and to get more focus on their personal lives." So if you're the CEO of a financial services company, you've just watched your company implode, and your reputation is in tatters, now you can pick up some advice from someone else who destroyed billions in shareholder value. Just bring your checkbook:

Learning resilience at Moonview comes at a price. A three-day program for an individual costs $15,000. But for those who participate in a one-day group session, the cost drops to $1,000, Mr. Levin said... Not surprisingly, given the upheaval on Wall Street, Mr. Levin is looking to bring his offerings to New York.

A Road to Reslience [NYT]
Jerry Levin to the Rescue! [NYT]
Related: The Believer [NYM]