Kevin Rose's latest romance splashed across the Web

Kevin Rose has a new girlfriend, a slightly-more-than-slightly stalkerish tipster tells us. Who's the reported belle? Current TV's manager of online content, Melody McCloskey. The Digg founder and famed online Romeo disputes this, telling us: "I've known Melody for awhile, we're good friends." But we don't buy the "just friends" routine, not after seeing our tipster's evidence: A highly convincing series of Twitter messages, Vimeo videos and Flickr photos featuring the pair.
Melody and Kevin on Twitter
Rose wielded his power and influence, landing two tickets to a private Death Cab for Cutie show. Color McCloskey impressed.

First Rose bought her a drink. Then breakfast.

After reading these two messages, we're wondering if "ice cream" is a euphemism for something else these lovebirds might crave. Like an iPhone 3G?

Who can resist the old In-N-Out?

The clincher: what kind of girl Twitters about really fruity-sounding tea, unless she's dating Kevin Rose?

Wall-E + brunch = obviously dating.

Melody and Kevin on Vimeo
On her Tumblr, McCloskey introduces this video: "Such a good song. Also cute cameo at the end :)" Skip to 1:12 to see who she means. Here's a hint: It's Rose.
Melody and Kevin on Flickr
On Flickr, we find Melody and Kevin sharing a drink through two straws. Haven't we seen Rose pull this move before?

Yes, yes we have. Rose and New York dating columnist Julia Allison similarly shared a milkshake at the Future of Web Apps conference in Miami earlier this year. Rose ended that fling not long after it started. Apprised of Rose's latest, Allison told Valleywag: "He's missing out."

Missing out? Not judging by this final Flickr shot of the cute noncouple: