Your Next President: "I have a son I haven't seen nor paid child support for in 17 years."

Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know that I've switched to a new write-in candidate for president after receiving the following very important email on our tips line! I admire Leonard F. Gundy's decision to leave the Army "Signal Core" in 1982 because "I love to give orders, I hate to be given orders," but I do wish he had some Air Conditioning experience. But that's what running mates are for, right?!?! Will you vote for him too Y/N? His very convincing email is after the jump.
Why I want to be the next President of the United States.
I believe in the people of this country and in their desire to see us the smartest and the leading nation to the world when it comes to education, protecting our environment and natural resources.
I want to stand on the steps of the Capitol Building and yell into it "Hey, Get To Work You Lazy Do Nothings" every day till they finally get to serving those that put them into those offices. I want to raise some hell in every branch of our government, and I have a very loud voice, let me put it to work for you.
I guaranty I will fix every government agency within the fist 3 months of taking office and recover hundreds of millions of dollars they have been wasting and stealing from all of us. I'll push through a 35% raise for our teachers and change our public schools from 12 grades to 16, every child/person will get a 4 year degree through our public school system from now on.
I love to give orders, I hate to be given orders, that's why I left the Army "Signal Core" in 1982. I have worked in almost every field except Air Conditioning. I self taught myself computer programming for a project I was working on for protecting children on-line.
I have always been a leader never a follower, I enjoy budgeting and locating dollars that are being wasted and re-allocating them. I follow a principle of doing the job right the first time and never having to re-do it.
I strongly believe in ones rights to bear arms and agree those that use them to commit crimes deserve maximum sentences. I feel every state must have the same laws and the same punishments for the same type of crime, no more example punishments to make a point.
I feel all women should be able to decide to have a child aborted, but feel it would be better, to have someone pay their expenses, and adopt the child. Preserving life is one of gods commandments I'd like to see everyone think about it before aborting that child.
I have had 3 children aborted by women I dated. It does hurt. I have a son I haven't seen nor paid child support for in 17 years.
I love to fix things, lucky for me there are millions of things here that need fixing, I'm ready to get started on them now.I want to let everyone in our government know this, be warned, im not one of the guys, I will investigate everyone and I will find all wrong doings for the American people and I will throw you out on your ass. We will have a new government that 100% serves the citizens of the United States of America with respect and dignity and those around the world that are abused and starving. We will again be the greatest country the world has ever known, but first, we have lots of fixing to do here and I will see all of it gets done now.
I've got the guts to run, do you have the guts to let me try to fix what needs done? Yes or No?
If you would like to know more about me give me a call and lets talk. I would love to have your vote for President.
Leonard F. Grundy