5WPR Flacks Get So Freaking Busted Impersonating People Online

We call 5WPR chief Ronn [sic] Torossian an "incompetent superflack" for a reason, people. He and his firm are not just annoying; they are actually incompetent at the practice of public relations. The latest, and sweetest evidence: 5WPR just got stone-cold busted for impersonating people (including a Rabbi!) in a blog comments section on behalf of a (soon-to-be-former, if they're smart) client. We have an email in to Ronn for comment, but this evidence makes a pretty good case that 5W is a bunch of mindless trolls:
FailedMessiah.com did a little poking around on the internets and found that—surprise!—a bunch of its stupid comments were coming from the same IP address. A 5WPR IP address.
Not only did 5W impersonate Rabbi Allen – a federal crime, by the way – it also impersonated JVNA officer John Diamond and frequent FailedMessiah commenter Yochanan Lavie – also federal crimes.
5W also left multiple comments on this blog using many different aliases. The comments were often left on the same post and used to support each other and Agriprocessors. But all comments originated from 5W Public Relations, Agriprocessors PR firm, even though the commenter(s) presented himself as a non-affilliated observer.
Here's an example of one of the comments, which certainly has that 5W flair:

You can look over the mounds of evidence of 5W's guilt here. If we hear from Ronn, we'll let you know. In the meantime, why not amuse yourself by looking back at the comments on our posts about Ronn and 5WPR and picking out the 5W trolls? I guarantee they're in there!