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Ted Dziuba — don't ask me how to pronounce it — was the brains behind Uncov, the blog that ruthlessly shadowed TechCrunch by bashing the technology of Web 2.0 startups. Ted's secret weapons: A math degree, a brief stint at Google, and a unique, hilarious writer's voice. I tried to get him to write for Valleywag or Wired, but it didn't happen. Instead, Ted will post every other week at UK-based IT infotainment site The Register. He'll make a fine American foil to The Reg's equally cynical Andrew Orlowski. We can't really call this a scoop, because we're sure Ted knew that mentioning his new gig in IRC was as good as posting it on Digg. Screengrab below.

This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.