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A couple of weeks ago, Michael Bloomberg's bid to change term limit laws was going rather smoothy. He'd managed to sweet talk Ronald Lauder into not opposing the measure, members of the City Council appeared to be on board with the plan, and New Yorkers were generally supportive. Now? Not so much. Not only did he spark a scandal over his charity donations and is now facing off against another billionaire with an agenda, public opinion has officially turned against him, too: A poll by Quinnipiac University found that 51 percent of New Yorkers are now opposed to his bid to extend term limits, up from 42% two weeks ago. Bloomberg isn't expected to abandon his bid to remain in City Hall for another four years. But it also isn't too late to endorse Obama, campaign like hell for him over the course of the next two weeks, and pray that a cabinet position will become available when Obama takes office in January!