Literary Light Heavyweight Battle About to Commence

In a piece ostensibly about how terrible Damien Hirst is (breaking!), New Republic literary editor and noted crank Leon Wieseltier declares that there is no such thing as "rock bottom," that there is never a point at which things can't get worse, and offers as proof of this maxim the existence of Christopher Hitchens. Allow him to explain:
"Why, just some weeks ago Christopher Hitchens and his camera-ready conscience went and got themselves waterboarded for the pages of Vanity Fair, which are anyway torture enough." Zing!
"There are many things that might be said about such a stunt—that moral understanding is not arrived at by means of the senses, or by personal acquaintance with evil; that ordinary intelligence and ordinary imagination are quite sufficient to establish the foulness and the folly of such procedures, which is why judges who have not dressed up in Guantánamo drag have been able to rule persuasively against them; that the victims of waterboarding do not commonly towel down and head for the Waverly Inn" Zing!!
"but I have no intention of dignifying this high clowning with serious reflection. I hope only that Hitchens next tries rendition." ZING!!!
Anyway Chris ought to respond in kind, as he usually does, soon enough. Then they'll trade funny quips in various magazines for a month or two until Hich decks Leon at a Lally Weymouth party. (IF ONLY)