Shopaholic Movie Now Totally Inappropriate

When those photos of Isla Fisher dressed up in ridiculous outfits as shopaholic Becky Bloomwood started floating around early last summer, it didn't seem as if Jerry Bruckheimer, the producer of the Confessions of a Shopaholic movie, was taking much of a risk with his frothy, comic chick flick. How was he to know that just six months later, reckless spending and drowning in debt would be a horribly sore subject?
Now, instead of becoming a marketing and advertising free-for-all, the movie—which revolves around a young woman obsessed with acquiring designer labels—has turned into "tough and tricky sell." And a new ending is now being considered, one that acknowledges the new economic climate. (Presumably that will allow them to correct the fact that the movie depicts a soaring Dow Jones.) Rest assured, though, whatever the new ending is, it will still have our heroine walking away with the man of her dreams, having figured out what's really important in life.