Chastity? What Chastity?
Who's got two thumbs and a drinking problem? Oh, no. That's not a blind item. I think that's patently obvious. But I do have two blinds for you after the jump. One that is pretty cryptically about a chaste somebody who is actually not so chaste, the other about a struggling divorcée. Enjoy them after the jump. This guy! Oh, wait. I did that too late, didn't I?
1) "Chastity? What chastity? Done it, done it, not done it." [CDaN]
2) "So, let me get this straight. You, formerly a C list film actress known for one thing, or more specifically two if you get my meaning. Television? Sure, but not a series per se. Anyway, you left your husband after finding, and introducing your replacement to him thinking you could do much better without him. Since then, nothing. Except for that one television thing. You like to pretend you are this and that and doing great, but we all know what you are doing at each event you go to and how any single guy with a couple of bucks or a married guy with more than a couple of bucks just instantly becomes your best friend, hopefully for more than a night, but it really hasn't turned out that way has it? Meanwhile, divorce settlement money is gone and there isn't any other money coming in from anything else except your friends. Well you still have your looks. Kind of." [CDaN]