Joi Ito is headed to a "Fortune thingie" — are you?

The invite-only Fortune Brainstorm: Tech is taking over the Ritz-Carlton in Half Moon Bay through Wednesday. Dreadfully convenient for Robert Scoble, who lives in town; not for Japanese VC Joi Ito, who's jetting across the Pacific. The maelstrom of people and ideas includes the likes of's Jeff Bezos, the World Bank's Daniel Kaufmann and One Laptop per Child's Nicholas Negroponte. If your thought-leader status was somehow overlooked, fine-tune your leadership skills at tonight's East Bay Innovation Group. Organizational psychologist Peter Newton offers insight into how startups can grow strong and competent leadership. Ready for the next frontier? Klara Nahrstedt, a professor of Computer Science at Marc Andreessen's alma mater, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is in town indulging your sci-fi holodeck fantasies as she discusses Cisco's Teleimmersive Environment for Everybody.
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