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Lucy Page, the bioinformatics-expert wife of the Google cofounder, would seem to fit the Forbes template for billionaires' wives: "Looks are great — but brains are even better." Unlike husband Larry — shown here kissing his bride at their Necker Island wedding — the former Lucy Southworth actually completed her Ph.D. at Stanford. But a revelation from sister Carrie Southworth, an actress, may mar Lucy's Valley-brainy reputation.

Lucy, a willowy blonde, used to work as a model. "The summer after my freshman year, I was home from school and my sister's car broke down, so I drove her to the Elite modeling agency," Carrie, a television actress, told Soapnet. How did the New York Post miss this? At any rate, a modeling career combined with a Ph.D. makes two things Lucy has accomplished that Larry, even with his newly trendy hair, never will.