More Sex Stories Coming, Says Times

Were you reading the Times this morning, wondering why there weren't more sexual stories up in there? Were you thinking some sex would fit particularly well in the metro section, squeezed between reports on rent control for VIPs, that Harlem neighborhood photographer and that guy who died in the triathalon? Well, then, you're in luck, because Joe Sexton (ahem), leader of the metro section's scoop ninjas, is saying the paper will likely deliver more discourse on intercourse. Apparently their Eliot Spitzer hooker exclusive was just the beginning! Here's what Sexton wrote on the Times website today, responding to a question about the newspaper's plans to expand New York City coverage:
Readers across the globe, I think, regard New York as a place of fascination and, in many cases, a place of destination. More good stories about a place of such wonder and absurdity, magic and outrage can't but attract more readers - in this city or on other continents.
Jim Dwyer, our gifted About New York columnist, likes to say there are three great, inextinguishable human needs: food, sex and stories. We're going to keep the stories coming, likely including many about food and sex (don't wince yet!)
The Observer wonders if this statement means the paper will create a sex beat (the San Francisco Chronicle created such a position). But maybe Sexton just knows something about one or more elected officials we're not privvy to yet!