New Season of The Hills Promises More Terrific Awfulness

Terrible, horrible, no good, very bad news everyone. The Hills is coming back. Soon. The fourth season of MTV's fake reality Chekhov-lite exploration of the listless, sun-drenched lives of a gaggle of dim witted Angelenos is premiering in mid August and, judging from a boy-filled online preview (after the jump), it seems just as dull, soul-crushing, and deliciously fucking awful as ever.
Most of this is sentiment is heralded by the increasing presence of one Stephanie Pratt, the crescent moon-faced sister of Mattel experiment gone wrong Spencer. She's stirring it up by dating boys belonging to other girls, lying, and bitching. In other news, bovine, saturnine Whitney may meet a mate in preparation for her own spin-off series. And then, of course, there's Laffy Taffy Heidi, scowling and braying at the walls, shaking her fists toward the snowy peaks of Crested Butte. The end is nigh. At least Heidi and Spencer are going to Iraq soon. To, you know, do their part. Maybe they'll wander into the desert and never return, happy to exist in caves, trying to divine mystical celebrity secrets from grains of sand. A boy can dream. Preview is below.