My mom can't turn on a Dell laptop but a genocidaire has his own URL. Radovan Karazdic, the Serbian politician responsible for the Srebrenica massacre, was captured Monday after walking freely for a decade through the streets of Belgrade disguised as a Zen Karl Marx called Dr. Dragan Dabic. Karazdic is a trained psychologist and fancies himself a poet, so it makes sense, albeit in a sick, macabre way, that he spent a goodly portion of his time in non-hiding as an alternative medicine guru in a Serbian clinic and a contributor to a magazine called Healthy Life. Also, according to one young acquaintance Maja Djelic, bitching about his no-frills website. (Disturbing Chinese proverbs quoted on it include "The one who gives up his own, should dig two graves.") It's like happening upon Eichmann's MySpace or Saddam's Twitter. The inevitable "He seemed like such a sweet mass murdering revanchist" quote below:

"He was really friendly and really open and had a way of speaking with people," Djelic said. She said that he did not speak with a Bosnian accent, and seemed like a valuable member of the small alternative-medicine community here, not someone who could have been the force behind the notorious Srebrenica massacre and the deadly siege of Sarajevo.

UPDATE: is likely bullshit (the Whois was registered yesterday — thanks, commenter!). But this page seems like it's the real deal. The International Herald Tribune did quote Maja Djelic mentioning Drabic's website.

[International Herald TribuneInternational Herald Tribune]

[Dr. Dragan Dabic]