McCain Gives Press Corps Hacks The Ribbing Of A Lifetime

Dude, how much would it suck to be a reporter covering the McCain campaign? I mean they're probably all riding the Straight Talk Express rolling their eyes like "I went to J-school for this? I could be at a school board meeting right now." J-Mac knows he can't win this thing, but he's still hoping to come out of the campaign with enough good will to be able to get at least five or six reporters to join him for his biweekly cribbage games when he moves into The Home. So his campaign is handing out some fakey press passes ribbing the journalists about what a crappy assignment they have being stuck eating Freedom Toast with the red-blooded Americans. Hey, at least they're not covering Obama off in France or wherever he is!:
The back of the same press pass:

This just goes to show what a solid guy McCain really is, in Howard Fineman's mind.