Which Celebrity Is Embarrassed By Her Teeny Tiny Boyfriend?
Honestly, I don't know what to make of the blind items after the jump. I had a really weird dream last night and I'm still trying to process that. Alls I know is that there are reality stars, athletes, and a mis-matched celebrity couple. Friday!
1) "Which mis-matched celebrity couple hate having their photo taken in public because of their ridiculous height difference? Whenever they pose for pics, he has to stand on a step or ledge to hide the problem." [Mirror]
2) "This former female reality star and now just a D list wannabe decided to make a move on the mahogany one also known as Ronaldo. She offered her services to him for the evening at a reasonable $5000 at which point he laughed and laughed and said, 'Look around. Look at me. Why would I pay for anyone?'" [CDaN]
3) "Speaking of reality stars. I've heard this twice today, but since it isn't Christmas I can't believe it until I see it. Could it be that our athlete has finally seen the light and broken it off with the reality star I cannot stand." [CDaN]