Obama's Thesis Is Unfound, Unlike His Prayer To Yahweh

And a big gold star to the man or woman who uncovers Barack Obama's elusive Columbia "thesis" on Soviet nuclear disarmament. (It was really more of a lengthy term paper, as Columbia didn't do theses in 1983, when Obama graduated). His old poli sci professor Michael Baron, now a retiree in Florida, says he can't find the A-grade essay, claiming it probably got lost in the move. Well, it's nice to know one Jew in the Sunshine State is happy to shield Obama from his rumored past. And hey, speaking of Jews, a yeshiva student in Jerusalem did a bad, bad thing and pilfered the candidate's prayer scroll from the Wailing Wall. That's like returning your mother's call a week late, only to tell her you married an Irish girl. Here's what Obama asked of God:
Protect my family and me. Forgive me my sins and help me guard against pride and despair.
Give me the wisdom to do what is right and just.
And make me an instrument of your will.
Instrument of his will? Can you say, messiah complex? Don't worry, Commentary will.