Which Actors Are Having Secret Rendezvous?
Which day of the week didn't have much by way of blind items, save for a rambling one about B and C list actors and another about British soap operas? Wednesday. I'm gonna go with Wednesday. Enjoy what little we have, after the jump. 1) "I would have to say that this television and film actor is B list by his body of work, but probably C list in name recognition. Everyone who reads the site would know who he is and he definitely has a huge body of work. He really only has one award and it is not one you particularly want to win. Now, me, I would accept anything, but I'm easy. Anyway, our actor is married, with child(ren) and whenever he can get out of town or away from the wife he has someone that he is fairly serious about. She is definitely C list all the way but on a very hit network drama. She is gorgeous and busty and has a very well known beard she has been hanging out with in public. Apparently the couple feels they are safe when they are out of town and so are all over each other. Their most recent foray was slightly south of LA." [CDaN] (Very hit!) 2) "Which soap hunk is despised by colleagues for his unprofessional behaviour on-set?" [Mirror]