What happens after the Olympics? After the cheering, noisemaker-twirling crowds have shuffled off in their Volvos to their respective countries and your Wheaties box gets pushed further and further to the back of the shelf? If you're a star athlete at the games it's pretty much two glorious weeks of soft-touch mini-docs about your hard scrabble life and lots of autograph signing and then you come home and it's absolutely over. Or, at least it seems that way in a depressing little audio feature currently on the website for Play (the NYT's sports magazine.)

We hear from gymnastics phenom Nadia Comaneci who... lives in Norman, Oklahoma. The also-limber Olga Korbut teaches dance in Scottsdale. Decathalete Bruce Jenner? Well, we know all about Bruce Jenner. He begat bulbous Hills mook Brody and is currently entangled with the odious Kardashian clan. Saddest of all, though, is Mary Decker-Slaney who had a tragic spill in the 1984 women's 3,000 meter event, which she was favored to win. Looking back she says weakly that maybe it was a good thing, because everyone will remember the lady who fell. Sigh. Though, at least she doesn't have to look at Kim Kardashian's big butt every stupid day.

Man, these folks must hate the figure skaters.
