New Movie For Kids Features Sex Fiend, Sex Police

Strangers With Candy was a comedy about a damaged user, boozer, and loser who returns to high school in her late 40's to engage in a lesbian relationship with a teenage girl named Tamela. Law & Order: SVU is about heinous sex crimes and the dogged, perpetually too-close-to-the-case detective who investigates them. So it makes perfect sense then that the two stars of those shows, Amy Sedaris and Christopher Meloni, would team up with Candy creator Paul Dinello to make a TV movie for kiddie network Nickelodeon. The pair will star in Gym Teacher: The Movie, about a has-been gymnast (Meloni) who catches the fancy of Sedaris' principal when he takes a job at her school. Mollygood hails this as the return of adult-friendly Nick fare, like the late Pete & Pete. We just pray it's as darkly subversive as its cast suggests. (Though, we dejectedly doubt it will be.) Meloni can be funny, as was evidenced in Wet, Hot, American Summer, and Sedaris, well, she's a Sedaris. Here's hoping for some winky winky child abuse/murder jokes. The kids love those! Oh, and, um, David Alan Grier is in it.