Charles Forman vs. Julia Allison

They always made for an unlikely couple. Besides a Manhattan address, a burning desire for tech-world fame, ties to Digg founder Kevin Rose, and towering self-regard, Iminlikewithyou founder Charles Forman and former Star TV spokeswoman Julia Allison had practically nothing in common. And now they have broken up, with publicly delivered disses. Allison's mechanism: Twitter, where she wished for "a boyfriend who isn't a whiny bitch." Forman's forum: YouTube, where a tirade against "celebrichauns with founder fetishes" was uploaded. The anti-Allison rant:
Note to Forman: 111 Minna, which he says is a celebrichaun hangout, is actually in San Francisco's Financial District, just south of Market Street — not in the Mission. But thanks for the Valleywag shoutouts, Chuck!