Which Supermodel Chased an Actor All the Way to New York?
Hey hey Friday! And, August 1st! As we begin the tumble into autumn, let's try to hold onto some of the breezy, silly things of summer that we so enjoy. Like blind items! After the jump we have a supermodel who followed an actor across the pond and a troubled, druggy thesp. 1) "Which leggy supermodel chased an up-and-coming British actor to New York in a desperate attempt to date him?" [Mirror] 2) "Hey, it's definitely not Ben Affleck, but it is someone who starred with him in a film once. Of course that could be a lot of people so lets narrow it down to B- actor, 95% films, although two great television appearances that come to mind are also part of his resume. He has basically been off the radar the past year. Oh sure, a bit part here and a bit part there, but this actor with the A list facial recognition has spent the better part of the past year in rehab. Not quite the crack smoking in the living room firing off shotguns, but he did manage to abuse just about every drug you can imagine over the past three years. What finally sent him to rehab though was his ex wife's promise to take away visitation rights of their child(ren) if he didn't stop leaving her/him/them unattended so he could both score and use drugs. The drug paraphernalia littering the floor was probably also not good parenting." [CDaN]