BREAKING: Nikki Blonsky Injured, Arrested in Brutal Luggage-Defense Melee

Word just over the Defamer transom reveals that Hairspray star Nikki Blonsky and her father were arrested after an airport brawl that left the Golden Globe-nominated actress in a neck brace. Reportedly, on a stopover in Turks and Caicos during her long flight from Long Island sweets-slinger to pugilist diva, both Nikki and Pa Blonsky went to war rather than move their luggage for an unnamed woman. More details — including a cameo by an America's Next Top Model contestant(!) — after the jump.
Nikki, 19, was charged with actual bodily harm; her father was charged with grievous bodily harm, a source at the Turks and Caicos Weekly News tells Us. ... The woman was so badly hurt, the source adds, that she was flown off the island to Miami.
America's Next Top Model contestant Bianca Golden — whose family resides on the island — was also involved in the brawl. It is unclear what role she played.
Nikki — who is now in a neck brace — went to court Friday morning, the source tells Us.
Our own eyewitnesses described the aftermath in vivid detail, allowing this exclusive artist's rendering of Blonsky's injuries. We wish her, her old man, Golden and all involved a healthy recovery and speedy trial — you have to know John Waters is writing this into Hairspray 2 as we speak.