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There was a time in Hollywood history when getting inside a madame's little black registry—the most ferociously guarded record on Earth—required iron-clad court subpoenas. Even then it was often too late, with elite squads from the L.A. Johns Recovery Unit prying their way inside whorehouse attic safe-rooms, only to discover the frantic proprietor cowering inside like a cornered racoon as she gulped down its last crumpled pages. Anything it took, really, to prevent those precious mogul and sitcom star names from entering the public sphere. Today, of course, things have changed considerably—all it takes is one accidental click of the Reply All function, and your entire client list is bounced from Hollywood inbox to inbox in a matter of nanoseconds. reports:

What should have been a private e-mail exchange on June 25 between a prominent Los Angeles business man/party king and a Beverly Hills madam arranging a $2,500 sex deal is making the rounds among the L.A. party circuit.

Nearly 50 powerful men are shaking in their boots, because the madam appears to have exposed what may be her client list by CCing instead of BCCing the e-mail. The list includes a well-known movie producer, prominent club owners, restaurateurs, real estate tycoons, a politician, a sex tape king, an owner of a major sports team and a Prince.

Copies of the actual e-mail—which we are now required by International High-Class Hooker law to mention could have easily been forged (but please, please God let it not be so!)—are available for your perusal at Scandalist, but be forewarned that all the names have been black-barred out, resulting in something resembling a bird's eye view of a mass worm-spawning. Alas, we were not yet to learn whether the last client mentioned refers to a Prince, or the Prince, but surely once we get our hands on the uncensored version, that e-mail address will give us all the answers we need. Forward it along, people!