The All-New, Recession-Friendly Karl Lagerfeld

Is Karl Lagerfeld doing anything to adjust to the new economic climate? Sort of! The 85-pound designer tells Germany weekly Die Zeit that he's been busy tightening his belt in recent weeks and just moved into a smaller house in Paris. And even though he recently purchased a house in Vermont, he'd like to point out that it's a modest affair. (It's "very Emily Dickinson... in fact it's almost Puritanical.") Of course, since this is Karl Lagerfeld we're talking about, he adds that there are certain things that just cannot be sacrificed. Like his "chambermaid, chauffeur and chef," who are "still musts." And he doesn't have any plans to trade in his three Hummers: "I don't want to drive at the same level as the others." Who does?