Grads of the same six schools that everyone went to (as famous novelist Keith Gessen once said) are doing pretty well in terms of earning power, reports Business Week. "...Graduates of prestigious institutions, especially Ivy League universities, earned the biggest salaries... 'The happiest and richest people look for schools to help them develop their talents in whatever field that owns their soul,' says [Washington Post columnist Jay] Matthews, who graduated from Harvard." May we suggest a semi-well-paying career that you probably haven't thought of that might feed your soul even more? (No, it's not blogging—that destroys it.)From the NYT:

"My cousin was working here as a freak, and he got fired, so they hired me," said Jose, who has been working for only a week at Shoot the Freak, a popular game on the Coney Island Boardwalk near Stillwell Avenue. "...I was working at a beauty products store, doing inventory, but my brother said, ‘Yo, they need another freak; you should do it,' " he said, still texting. "It definitely pays more than the beauty products store. I was making $7.50 an hour. Plus, you're outside. I meet a lot of girls out here, even though I'm wearing the costume and I'm the freak. They're interested in meeting the freak." The owner of Shoot the Freak, Anthony Berlingieri, said his freaks earned $100 to $200 a day. He said Jose's cousin was fired because he could not wake up early enough to get to work on time, at 11 a.m.

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