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Rielle Hunter, the now-acknowledged mistress of former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, was paid $114,000 by his political action committee to film and produce four YouTube videos, making her the most overpaid videoblogger in the business. We called the second most overpaid videoblogger in the business, Robert Scoble of, for insights. You see, the Edwards campaign invited Scoble to blog the Edwards campaign back in 2006.

Alas, no luck. We called Scoble and asked if he had any footage of Hunter. "God knows," says Scoble. He filmed Edwards while working for Podtech, the ill-fated online-video startup which was recently sold for a pittance. His raw footage from that period, if any, is jumbled with the rest of Podtech's assets.

But Chuckumentary videographer Chuck Olsen, a contributor to Rocketboom, did catch Hunter in one of his videos of the Edwards campaign. Fast forward to 1:07 and you'll get a quick glimpse of Hunter, earning part of her $114,000 behind the camera. Update: Olsen has sold the video to the AP and taken it off Revver.