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·It's never too late to wish Manoj a happy 38th birthday! ·Bomb and anthrax threats temporarily made MGM Tower the baddest-ass studio HQ in town. ·A lucky Morgan Freeman escaped a serious car accident with only a broken marriage. ·Alas, Christina Applegate, Bernie Mac and a pair of SYTYCD finalists faced more dire diagnoses. ·Matthew McConaughey's breakthroughs in placenta husbandry narrowly edged Clay Aiken in the race for the title of Best New Daddy. ·Was TV's highest-paid star among those accidentally exposed by a clumsy Hollywood madam? ·It was a close call, but Shia's pinkie will pull through. ·Defamer's political bureau stayed busy with Gwyneth Paltrow, Paris Hilton and Scarlett Johansson. ·Behold! The Chosen Blobs! ·Pineapple Express started big and will end bigger — kind of like co-star James Franco, if you catch our drift. ·Tropic Thunder RetardGate came and went. ·Meanwhile, Robert Downey Jr. will answer your stupid fucking questions now, sir. Yours, too, Debbie Matenopoulos. ·Drink, Play, F@#K and Puke, Broke, AIDS supplanted The Hobbit as the planet's most anticipated two-fer. ·Molls philosophized and we all remembered moonwalkier times as The Two Coreys took a turn for the worse. ·RIP Bernie Brillstein.