This month, Harper's Bazaar styled the children of the Ronson family as the Royal Tenenbaums from the 2001 Wes Anderson film. They're so right! The Ronsons have been chronicled as a weird, semi-dysfunctional family whose socialite/self-promoter Mom and rock-star stepdad eased the way for their kids' fame. The Tenenbaum children were also precocious youths, which only led to despair as adults. Bazaar points out that both sets of children are the productions of an "unconventional and artistic upbringing," leaving out the dark side of the film.Charlotte designs t-shirts or dresses or whatever and does charity stuff, producer/DJ Mark, while talented, got his start with his famous parents' connections, and his sister DJ Samantha followed on his coattails. She's admitted to not knowing how to use DJ equipment during her first gigs. (The Ronsons don't have an "adopted" daughter, as Royal Tenenbaum always mentions when introducing his daughter Margot, but they do have children from their mom's second marriage that aren't featured.) [Harper's Bazaar]