Meet the Fleet of J.J. Abrams' 'Star Trek,' Including Unlikely Actors Tyler Perry and Winona Ryder

Though J.J. Abrams' Star Trek reboot has been bumped from this winter to next May, Paramount has released a new sheaf of official character posters to keep the slim-pickings teaser trailer company. And what posters they are: why, who wouldn't recognize the younger versions of... um, whoever that's supposed to be... and, uh, Bones? Wait, and that ten-year-old kid is Chekov? Set our phasers on stunned.
A closer look at all eight posters (plus the mysterious inclusion of Tyler Perry and Winona Ryder!) awaits after the jump:

Clockwise from top left, we have Eric Bana as the film's villain, Nero, Zoe Saldana as Uhura, Chris Pine as James T. Kirk, and Heroes' Zachary Quinto as Spock. While these posters are a little more convincing, we can't help but be disappointed that Paramount neglected to make one-sheets for the film's most unlikely cast members: Winona Ryder as Spock's mom and Madea's Family Reunion star Tyler Perry as the head of Starfleet Academy. We've gone ahead and taken the liberty ourselves:

Paramount, we'll accept our payment in the form of transporter credits. Good day, and QA TLHO'.