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So in light of the inevitable squeeze on cosmetic enhancement spending, how's everyone's favorite diminutive derm Patricia Wexler doing? Just fine, she tells Wowowow: Not only are her patients still coming in for treatments, they "feel it is critical to keep up appearances right now," although some are cheeky enough to ask for discounts, which, just so you know, will certainly not be granted. But, more importantly, Pat is thrilled about Obama's new presidency for the obvious reason: Democrats have more tasteful surgery!

"We've had so many Republicans who have been over-surgerized; we don't have to say which ones." Oh, go on, Pat! "[N]ot Laura Bush, but Nancy [Reagan] and Elizabeth Dole." Whereas Nancy Pelosi "has had some good work," and Michelle Obama doesn't need anything. "She's beautiful. She's young. But, of course, in my practice, I have people much younger than Michelle Obama already doing things." Hear that, ladies? Michelle might not need anything, but if you're anywhere near her age, you certainly do.

Did She Or Didn't She? Pat Wexler Dishes On Pelosi, Dole and More! [Wowowow]