Peter Rojas, protective papa
These days, even birth announcements go out via Twitter. That's how blogger Jill Fehrenbacher, wife of Engadget founder Peter Rojas, belatedly acknowledged the birth of their son, also named Peter. Can't blame her for being busy: She'd launched a commercially minded babyblog, Inhabitots, two days prior. Congratulations are due. But Rojas seems a bit frazzled by fatherhood. The couple also recently bought a new $1.6 million home on Essex Street in New York's Lower East Side. In an email exchange with Cityfile, a database of Manhattan's microcelebrities, he asked the site's editor to remove his condo's street address, citing "harassing materials" sent by mail to his previous residence. Cityfile has declined to redact the address — a matter of public record, in any case. The emails, reprinted below:
On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 4:19 AM, Peter Rojas wrote: If you could just delete the street number and street name that would be great. Your post is the only place on the public web that has that info, and I'm hoping that raising that small hurdle to finding it will help. I've been blogging for seven years and I've never felt the need to publish someone's home address like that. On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 8:40 PM, Peter Rojas wrote: If it's all the same to you guys, could you please remove my address from this post? I get that this stuff is a matter of public record, but I've had a problem recently with someone sending harassing materials to me through the mail and since I've just moved I'm hoping that they won't figure out what my new address is. Right now you guys have the only mention of it on the web, so I'd really appreciate it if you just removed the address from the post. Thanks! Peter — Sent from Gmail for mobile | _____________________________________________________ Get RCRD LBL's free MP3 of the Day newsletter:
(Photo by Scott Beale/Laughing Squid)